Encrusted cellulite does not only concern overweight people! Over the years, the skin loosens and our sedentary lifestyle encourages the appearance of orange peel skin. Lack of physical exercise, venous insufficiency (also promoting water retention and heavy legs) as well as poor lifestyle (alcohol, stress, etc.) and hormonal or inflammatory imbalances do the rest. And of course, diet plays a key role in the accumulation of subcutaneous adipose tissue. We know, for example, that excess salt, saturated fats and refined sugar (particularly found in industrially processed foods) are very bad. But on the contrary, which foods should you turn to to prevent and combat cellulite? Here is a small list of anti-cellulite foods!
1) Water, water, water

Impossible to start a list of foods against cellulite without mentioning it! Everyone knows that you should drink water, but few people actually stick to it, replacing it with sugary drinks. However, drinking throughout the day allowselimination of toxins et promotes lymphatic drainage. In itself, water alone will not eliminate cellulite, especially adipose or fibrous cellulite. However, in the case of aqueous cellulite mixed with water retention, this is the most important action. And it remains a good habit to get into to get rid of it more effectively, whatever the type of cellulite.
2) Green tea

Antioxidant, diuretic and slimming, it helps to limit the assimilation of fats by the body and water retention. In doing so, it will also fight against cellulite and act as prevention on fat cells! In addition, it has the effect of accelerating metabolism. To do this, do not hesitate to consume it twice a day outside of meals.
3) Exotic fruits among anti-cellulite foods

Fruits from elsewhere have no equal when it comes to getting rid of cellulite. Take papaya and pineapple: they are both fruits anti-inflammatory and rich in vitamin C. However, this antioxidant helps burn fat and preserve collagen capital. This guarantees firm and toned skin. They also contain slimming enzymes who fight saddlebags. Respectively, there is papain (which acts positively on collagen in the skin) and bromelain (a fat eater). However, these active ingredients are little present in the fruits and more numerous in the stems. To benefit from this, take food supplements outside of meals. These capsules will have a very effective anti-cellulite effect.
4) Onion

Should we sacrifice our breath to make the dimples on our thighs, our hips, our buttocks and our arms disappear? It seems so! In fact, the onion has an effect draining, diuretic and detoxifying. While helping the body eliminate toxins, it also helps lower blood sugar levels. With its cousin garlic, it will also give you the benefit of its vasodilator properties. This improves blood circulation and drains the body to prevent fat from becoming embedded in the dimples.
5) The banana

Surprised to see it listed among the best foods against cellulite? However, you shouldn’t! Indeed, there is a high dose of potassium and zinc. These elements promote the proper functioning of tissues as well as free blood and lymphatic circulation. This therefore allows you to quickly put an end to water retention by optimizing the oxygenation of the body. In addition, this helps counterbalance the effects of sodium in our diet which is very rich in it. Banana reduces inflammation and limits the appearance of new cellulite nodules.
6) Citrus fruits: flagship foods against cellulite

As explained earlier, the vitamin C found in citrus fruits is a notorious fat burner and anti-cellulite. It allows good drainage of tissues and fluid circulation of liquids while ridding the body of toxins. Lemon is a good example with its powerful detoxifying effects. However, he is not alone, because the pomelo or grapefruit, low in calories, reduces the formation of fatty deposits in tissues. Remember, however, that other foods are rich in vitamin C, and sometimes more than citrus fruits! Parsley (diuretic, depurative and detoxifying) and green, red or yellow pepper (diuretic and toning) are other excellent preventatives in this category.