Do you have too many clothes? There’s nothing wrong with loving fashion and pretty things. However, when you look in your cupboards, it really is a big mess! As a result, you never find anything when you need it and you may even have trouble getting dressed, because it’s such a mess that you no longer know what to pair with what and you have the impression of not being able to. nothing to put on you… a shame! When it’s the same cinema every morning, it’s time to clear your mind: sort your clothes, donate, sell or throw away! Where to start? How not to make a mistake? We explain everything to you.

- Appearance absolutely everything and clean the wardrobe to get off to a good start. Put everything on the bed.
- Imagine what the future organization will be like : where will the t-shirts, sweaters, jeans, etc. go? Where to put clothes out of season?
- Don’t hesitate to invest in a whole collection of same hangers preferably quite thin. Often, we make the mistake of having lots of hangers of different sizes which end up taking up a lot of space and the clothes are not at the same height, which makes it difficult to see everything clearly.
- Do several piles of clothes. For example: to give away, to sell, to throw away, to keep and perhaps a pile for those for which you are not sure (you can then try them again to make up your mind).
Take every item of clothing one by one and ask yourself…
1) Is the garment in good condition?

If it has holes or is permanently stainedthree options are available to you: repair/clean it, reuse it in another way (make rags, use lace to make decorations, etc.) or throw it away. There are also high-maintenance clothing : obligatory ironing, drying, going to the professional to clean it… if you are not ready to take responsibility, there is no point in keeping it.
2) Is the garment in my size?

We often keep clothes too small when thinking of losing weight quickly. Dieting takes time and chances are you won’t need them in the next few months so why keep them in the closet? As for the oversized clothes that we keep because we are proud to have lost weight, why not choose the piece that we always put as a souvenir ? The rest, OUST! And this sublime pair of pumps in size 37 that you bought even though you are size 39, are we talking about it or not??
3) Is it comfortable? Does he really make me happy? Is it flattering on me?

So yes, having stylish clothes is important, but there are also stylish AND comfortable clothes ! Clothes are supposed to make us look good and feel good… if you spend all day internally complaining about them and feel bad about yourselfdon’t keep it! Same treatment for shoes that hurt. Finally, a piece of clothing can be very pretty, but it may not look like anything on you and your body shape, or the color may not suit your complexion! Only keep what is flattering on you.
4) Did I wear the item less than a year ago?

Sometimes we keep old clothes from high school just because they still fit us and we accumulates clothes over the years. Ask yourself when you last wore the item of clothing and if it’s been more than a year, chances are you won’t miss it!
A good test is to put all the hangers in the same direction when you reorganize the closet. When wearing the garment, store the hanger the other way around. A few months later, you will clearly see what clothes you did or did not wear.
5) Would I buy it again if I saw it in a store again?

We often make impulsive purchases because of trends (which quickly go out of style), sales (which make us buy anything under the pretext that it’s cheaper) or just a shopping frenzy that ended badly. This question is a radical way to sort your clothes by removing most of the excess!
6) Do I have my favorites, my essentials?

Sometimes we only wear one thing all the time and the others just collect dust. Consider the idea of only keep one when you’ve found the absolutely perfect piece : the right winter coat, the right handbag, the right black dress, the right evening outfit…
7) Is this my current style? Does this convey the desired image of me?

People change and their style too. What you liked before may not please you as much today.
8) Are you keeping it out of guilt?

Here, we are typically talking about a piece of clothing that we paid a lot of money for, but that we end up never wearing and we force ourselves to keep it. If you do not use this garment, do not hesitate to resell it !
How to reorganize everything?

If you like to coordinate and match outfits, instead, arrange the pieces by color. If you do a little by instinct depending on the mood and desire of the day, organize things instead by function : tops together, bottoms together… And if you always wear the same outfits (always the same sweater with the same pants or the same shirt and the same skirt), put them together.
How do you keep your closet under control when you’ve finished sorting your clothes?

Maybe keep a basket to easily put the clothes you want in. give to associations in the future. Donations allow you to quickly get rid of a piece of clothing without having to find a second-hand buyer and send it via post.
You can also make a rule such as: if I buy an item of clothing, I remove one/two/three that I no longer like or no longer wear and you can clear the air by deciding for example to remove ten/fifteen/twenty items of clothing every three or six months (it’s up to you).
Sources : Becoming Minimalist ; Style Caster
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