Did you know that essential oils can lend their extraordinary properties to the entire home? These multi-use plant concentrates are indeed second to none for scenting places while eliminating bad odors, cleaning up all spaces and purifying key areas of the house. So, you can add them to your ecological household products to add degreasing, disinfecting or deodorizing power. A few drops of essential oil are enough to boost your household cleaning recipes! Discover in this article the 8 best essential oils for home maintenance. You may discover lesser-known uses for these useful natural products.
1) Lavender

Lavender essential oil is insecticidal, antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic, antiviral and ultra-soothing/calming. This oil very effective is therefore unavoidable to chase away undesirables (moths, lice) and when you are sick or stressed (especially in the diffuser).
Some examples of uses:
- Pour a drop of lavender essential oil and another of lemon onto a porous stone that will end up in the fridge. No more smells!
- 4 drops of this essential oil on a cotton pad will be enough to scent your wardrobe and keep moths at bay.
- Add 4 drops to the washing machine to scare away lice.
2) Lemon

Lemon essential oil deodorizes, kills bacteria and has a true antiseptic power. And like lemon juice, it also allows for better remove stains. It’s the winning combo for giving your home a nice, fresh smell while cleaning it up. In addition, it is not the most expensive. All these benefits make it one of the best essential oils for ecological home maintenance.
Some examples of uses:
- To deodorize toilets, let 3 good drops of this essential oil escape onto a porous stone.
- Need an express cleaner? Pour 3 drops into a bowl of water, heat everything in the microwave and it’s ready!
- When you clean, don’t hesitate to add 10 drops to your sponge. Your cleaning will be even more effective against bacteria and the smell will be ultra-pleasant. It’s especially perfect when you clean everything with white vinegar.
3) The tea tree

We attribute qualities to the tea tree sanitizing, fungicidal and antibacterial. It can also be used to deodorize. It is appreciated against moths and mites, but is also very useful for cleaning mold. To avoid spoiling anything, it leaves behind deodorizing scents which have an energizing and immunostimulating effect.
Some examples of uses:
- Mix 2 tablespoons of baking soda with two drops of this essential oil and you will have a great home cleaner.
- For bathroom or fridge grout, put a pure drop on a toothbrush and scrub! Simple and effective!
- Fill a bowl with white vinegar, add two drops and pour into a spray bottle of water. Spray this mixture on your bed and use this to clean the house.
4) Cinnamon

In addition to its spicy and sweet smell, it is antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal. There are some precautions for use: it is not recommended for pregnant women and children under 7 years old. It can irritate the skin and it should be mixed with another essential oil for diffusion. With care, it can still turn out wonderful.
Some examples of uses:
- In the vacuum cleaner (in the bag) or in the trash can (at the bottom), put a square of cotton on which you have added 2 drops of this oil. Great for odors and against germs!
- To wash and sanitize the house, prepare a product composed of a drop of cinnamon, a tablespoon of black soap and a bucket of hot water. If you test this cleanser, don’t take your gloves off!
5) Le Ravintsara

It is not particularly used for cleaning, but you can draw it out in case of illness or when the whole family is suffering from a winter epidemic! It actually helps to clean the air.
Some examples of uses:
- Put a few drops on the palm of your wrists or those of your children in case of illness.
- You can put two drops in a bowl of cold water or in your diffuser. Cold diffusion works very well.
- Pour two drops onto a tissue and slip it under the pillow.
- Add two drops to a spray bottle of water and spray the liquid onto your bedding.
6) Sweet orange

It is not only used for the smell even if that is its main asset! It also has an action soothing and antimicrobial.
Some examples of uses:
- Pour some 2 drops on the mop or pour about ten into the rinsing water to clean the floor.
- Do you want to scent the laundry? Mix 2 drops with a little water and pour everything into the fabric softener container.
- You can also put 2 drops in the water tray of the iron to perfume the laundry.
7) L’eucalyptus

It is often used as a diffusion against respiratory infections and against asthma. It must be said that we do not do better in case of illness, especially for colds, rhinitis, sinusitis… Your little bottle of eucalyptus oil offers you one of the most complete essential oils for the maintenance of your interior. It is in fact antibacterial, insecticidal, antiviral, antiseptic and anti-infectious! In short, the oil is as essential as the plant from which it comes!
Some examples of uses:
- To clean your floor, prepare a bucket of water and mix it with two drops of this essential oil and a tablespoon of black soap.
- Any toilet or bathroom cleaner benefits from having 3 drops of this oil added to disinfect everything.
- You can put 3 drops on a cotton pad which will end up in the vacuum cleaner bag. This will sanitize and eliminate unpleasant odors.
8) Lemongrass

She is anti-odor, antiseptic and antimicrobial. Its clean and fresh scents are often very appreciated. And if you’re tired of being besieged by ants or mosquitoes, this is the one for you!
Some examples of uses:
- To scare away mosquitoes, put 2 drops and add a little white vinegar to your water spray.
- Add 15 drops to your dishwashing liquid, especially if it is homemade.
- Put 3 drops in homemade dishwasher powder.
Whether your home cleaning products are based on percarbonate of soda, Meudon white, clay stone, citric acid, soda crystals, Marseille soap, you can safely add one of the essential oils presented here. You will be able to make all surfaces shine!
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