We think we are done with acne and instead we find ourselves with pigmented marks or hollows instead… especially when it has healed poorly or we had the bad idea of fiddling with them ! To make them disappear, it will take time and regular application of soothing, repairing and healing natural products. Here is a non-exhaustive list of natural remedies that you can use on your acne scars to fade them.
3 formidable homemade masks against pimple scars
Products that we all have in the kitchen to use against acne scars:

Honey (especially manuka for its richness in peroxide) can be applied as a mask to scars. To complete the mask, you can mix honey with horsetail powder (astringent and healing), tépezcohuite powder (exceptional skin regenerator which tightens pores) or even egg yolk (for oily skin).
Lemon juice: It helps skin whiten and therefore works on pigmented scars. Apply it in the evening only (lemon is not a friend of the sun) using a cotton pad and rinse after 15 minutes.
The tomato: It exfoliates and provides a good dose of beta-carotene to the skin. You can place slices on the face for ten minutes or pass it over the skin then leave it on for a little.
Products that can be purchased in organic stores or on the internet:

Calophyl inophyl oil: It doesn’t smell very good and has an unappealing greenish tint (which doesn’t stain the skin), but it’s non-comedogenic and works wonders for acne scars.
Lavender or Ho wood essential oil allow you to regenerate the skin to combat scars, but also to treat small spots that would cause resistance thanks to their antibacterial properties. To be diluted in vegetable oil.
Or rosehip oil: It is known as an ally for mature and dull skin, but also works very well on scars (it creates new tissue). Being more comedogenic than calophyl inophyl, it will not suit all skin types, but some tolerate it very well! You can also opt for rosewood essential oil and its healing power.
Aloe vera gel: It is astringent and protects, soothes, hydrates and heals the skin.
Alum powder: it helps the skin heal!
Yarrow and Italian helichrysum hydrosols are perfect for soothing and healing the skin. Their use alone will not be enough, but they can perfectly complement an anti-scar routine.
How to avoid acne scars?

Knowing how to treat them is good, but knowing how to avoid them is even better! However, this requires a combination of preventive care, appropriate treatments and good lifestyle habits. Here are some tips to minimize the risk of getting them!
Daily care for acne scars
First of all, we certainly cannot control the arrival of small red or white pimples (often of hormonal origin), but taking care of your skin remains a prerequisite. As soon as the first signs of acne appear, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist who can prescribe appropriate treatments to prevent acne from getting worse.
In addition, use suitable productsand in particular a gentle cleanser, a moisturizing cream (even light hydration in the case of combination skin or oily skin will help the skin to repair itself and heal better) or even a non-comedogenic lotion, or even formulated for acne-prone skin. Products with ingredients like retinol, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid can help prevent and treat scars. Also use a gentle exfoliant to gently remove dead cellsbut avoid abrasive scrubs. Finally, UV rays can make acne scars worse. So apply a non-comedogenic sunscreen every day, even if the weather is rainy!
Good daily habits for smooth, healing skin without unsightly marks
Furthermore, it is necessary avoid touching and drilling imperfections. Scratching, squeezing, handling or popping pimples can cause inflammation and infections, which increases the risk of scarring. It is therefore better to use anti-acne patches. They help protect pimples and speed up their healing.
We don’t think much about it, but also make sure to maintain a balanced diet. In particular, avoid inflammatory foods. To do this, reduce the consumption of sugar, dairy and processed foods which can exacerbate acne. On the contrary, favor foods rich in nutrients. For example, eat fruits, vegetables, nuts and fish rich in omega-3 to help maintain healthy skin. Finally, in addition to make sure you sleep wellwhich helps the skin heal better, remember that stress can make acne worse. So practice stress management techniques like meditation, yoga or deep breathing.
If nothing is enough to prevent and fade the traces of acne, the dermatologist will be able to advise you on a more effective medical option. Chemical peeling, laser, microdermabrasion, microneedling… There is no shortage of solutions!