Like baking soda, clay stone, Marseille soap, black soap, lemon juice or soda crystals, white vinegar is one of the most famous ecological and biodegradable cleaning products. This highly descaling, degreasing, disinfectant, deodorizing and non-toxic softener has a thousand and one uses for home maintenance. However, we are also talking more and more about its gel version: household gel vinegar. In supermarkets, organic stores or online, we find more and more of them. However, this raises many questions. What are the differences between classic liquid white vinegar and gel vinegar? And how to do it yourself at home? Grandma tells you everything and gives you an easy recipe!
What is the difference between classic white vinegar and the gel version?

The only difference is the texture! In fact, gel vinegar shares the same properties as classic vinegar. In fact, it also allows you to descale, degrease, deodorize, scrub and disinfect all surfaces. It will therefore also replace many household products. However, the advantage of white vinegar gel is that due to its gelled appearance, it can be applied to vertical surfaces. Whatever the inclination of the surface (toilet bowl, shower screens, kitchen splashback, etc.), it stays in place! Unlike the liquid version, it does not flow and he dries much slower when left to stand. This means that small amounts are sufficient where liquid vinegar will need to be reapplied. In the kitchen or bathroom, we therefore waste less product.
How to make homemade gel vinegar?
The ingredients of the vinegar gel:
-300 ml of white vinegar
-200 ml water
-3 to 5 g of gelling agent (guar gum, agar-agar or xanthan gum)
-Optional: 1 teaspoon of lemon, peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender or tea tree essential oil (essential oils reinforce the disinfecting power of vinegar)
-Optional: food coloring to see where the gel is applied
-Opaque bottle, if possible with pouring spout or cap (for example a bottle of recycled toilet product)
The steps:
1) Boil the 200 ml of water
2) Then off the heat, add the 300 ml of white vinegar as well as the gelling agent. The dose of gelling agent may vary depending on the desired consistency and the gelling agent used. Feel free to adjust the quantities as needed!
3) Then, mix the preparation carefully and add the teaspoon of essential oil.
4) Transfer into your bottle. It’s ready!
How to use this powerful gel?

This highly effective multi-use cleaning product cleans and shines the entire house for a successful eco-friendly cleaning. It can be used instead of classic white vinegar for any cleaning around the house. From floor to ceiling, including windows, this product will do the job perfectly. He just shake it before applying it in a thin layer. Then you have to leave on for 10 minutes to several hours depending on the dirt to be treated. All you have to do is rub with your sponge or microfiber cloth and rinse! This will be a great replacement for commercial toilet cleaning gel. It is also excellent for cleaning windows or shower screens, wall tiles, silverware, dirty garden furniture or on scaled sinks and taps.