To limit cellulite, but also combat it on a daily basis, we can hardly rely on miracle creams which ultimately only reduce the size of the wallet. Hunting for dimples requires daily massages, appropriate physical activity, but also a careful diet. In a previous article, we reviewed the best foods to prevent and fight against cellulite. Conversely, today we invite you to discover the foods to limit, because they cause cellulite. If your cellulite complicates you, here are the foods to consume less.
In addition, remember that smoking, dehydration, hormonal problems and a sedentary lifestyle are also factors favoring orange peel skin on the thighs, hips and buttocks. They are therefore also points to watch out for.
Make way for foods that cause cellulite!
1) Cold meats

Cheese, industrial dishes, chips, cold meats… All foods rich in salt greatly promote the appearance of cellulite. Indeed, the sodium promotes water retention. This promotes bags under the eyes… and dimples on the thighs! Remember that according to the WHO, we should not exceed a consumption of 5 g of salt per day. However, with an industrial diet, we quickly exceed this quota!
2) Foods that are too sweet can also promote cellulite

After salt, sugar! Attention lovers of candies, cakes, jams, sodas, fruit juices and other products which are very rich in sugar. In addition to causing blood sugar to explode, they quickly transform into fatty lipids which will nestle under our hypodermis. Instead of sweets, prefer fruits which provide antioxidants good for the suppleness and elasticity of the skin. As for sugary drinks, they can ideally be replaced by water. Indeed, even if it may seem counterproductive, good hydration is very effective against water retention. This helps drain the body. And if you don’t like water, add lemon or draining plants to hydrate yourself and break down the dimples!
3) Alcohol

Like caffeine, alcohol is very dehydrating in addition to providing no nutrients to the body. However, staying well hydrated is a crucial point in limiting cellulite. It is also a type of drink very rich in sugars. This therefore promotes the accumulation of fats in the cells of your body. Goodbye, smooth skin!
4) Whole milk

If whole milk appears in this list, it is above all because it is rich in lipids (approximately 36 g of lipids per liter). In general, dairy products often have a high fat content. These foods are therefore not recommended in excess against cellulite.
5) Foods made from white flour linked to the appearance of cellulite

White bread, sandwich bread, pasta, rice, etc. All of these foods are rich in white flour (or refined flour). However, this increases blood sugar levels and promotes cellulite. Indeed, when the sugar level is high in your blood, your pancreas must secrete more insulin to counterbalance. The problem is that insulin is a hormone that promotes fat storage in fat cells. Therefore, prefer foods made from whole or semi-complete cereals.
6) Fried foods and the sauces that accompany them

Nuggets, fries, breaded fish, etc. Fried foods are both very fatty and very salty. This is how they promote the storage of fat in your body. Instead of stopping eating these foods, find other ways to cook them. Think for example of the oven, great for fries and most recipes, but also why not cooking with forced hot air (air fryer). As for commercial sauces, they combine fats, salt, but also sugar galore ! To avoid this disastrous cocktail for your health and figure, make them yourself.
In general, avoid ultra-processed foods if you want to limit cellulite
Industrial foods and junk food are ultra-processed. Whether sweet or savory, light or not, we find large amounts of salt, sugar and/or fat. Instead of refined foods, choose homemade where you can control the recipe, and therefore the quantities! Fresh foods are also richer in good nutrients (vitamin, minerals and trace elements). This will help your skin look good.