During this period, we all appreciate a good hot shower or occasional bath (not every day of course, because it’s not very ecological!). However, in a bathroom that absorbs humidity easily or if it is small, you will certainly notice a cluster of mist forming on the mirror and which you try to wipe off as best you can to continue getting ready. quietly (often without result and you have to ventilate to finally be able to reuse this ice). To never have a problem with a foggy mirror again, we offer you a tip that will radically change the situation. Thanks to this inexpensive and easy preventative anti-fog tip, you will no longer need to wait to shave, do your hair, put on makeup or even more simply to look good!
What you need:
- A soft microfiber cloth
- Shaving foam
The steps:
1) Place a little shaving foam on your cloth.

2) Use it all to scrub the mirror! This will not only keep it clean and shiny and prevent fogging.

And if you see the fogging returning after a few weeks, don’t hesitate to reapply it. Just repeat the same quick and easy steps. The great thing is that you already have everything you need on hand in the bathroom!
You can also use this very effective and easy technique in your car to avoid visibility concerns linked to fogging or on your glasses so that you can continue to see clearly even in the event of sudden hot-cold weather.
This tip against mirror fogging on video:
Other tips for a fog-free mirror!
Proper maintenance of the mirror to limit fogging
Keeping the glass clean and free of dirt will reduce the risk of steam building up on the glass surface. To do this, first use a cloth to remove the dust. Next, mix a solution of water and white vinegar (1 part vinegar to 1 part water) and wipe the mirror with this solution. This can help to prevent fogging in addition to removing vapor-catching stains and dirt. Additionally, after each shower, wipe the mirror with a clean towel or cloth to remove residual moisture.
Other products against fogging on a mirror
It is possible to purchase a defogger specially designed for bathroom mirrors commercially. These chemicals create a thin layer that prevents fogging. You can find them in spray or wipe form. However, as explained earlier, the shaving foam is more economical and will do exactly the same thing. If you don’t use one, however, all is not lost. For example, you can apply a small amount of baby shampoo on the mirror. Spread it evenly, then wipe with a clean cloth. This method can also create a barrier against fogging. In the same way you can gently rub a small amount of soap wax (preferably transparent) on the mirror and wipe everything with a cloth. This can also help prevent fogging.
Other good practices to adopt…
Systematically use mechanical ventilation (VMC). In fact, using an exhaust fan during and after the shower to evacuate humidity from the bathroom will prevent too much condensation and humidity in the air. This will help to reduce fogging on the mirrors. Also, avoid using water that is too hot while showering. Hot water actually produces more steam, which can contribute to increased fogging. A cooler and shorter toilet will also be more eco-friendly! Finally, think about open the window as soon as possible if there is one to let heat and steam escape. Enough to quickly make the fog disappear.
Tired of that foggy mirror that makes you waste a lot of time when getting ready in the morning or during your little skincare routine in the evening? With these grandmother’s anti-fog tips and tricks, sometimes a little crazy and unusual or simply full of common sense, you will be able to calmly admire yourself in your beautiful mirror.