Seeds in fruit can tend to annoy us! They therefore quickly end up in our trash and we no longer talk about them. However, when used correctly, they can be very useful. For example, melon seeds can be cooked as an appetizer. Some people also see these seeds as a great gardening tool to plant and watch them grow over the days. So, like the avocado pit, lemon seeds can be sown to obtain an adorable little tree. On the other hand, if you tried it, you may have noticed that it had difficulty growing, or even that it was a total failure! In fact, you have to use a very precise technique for it to work. Don’t worry, we explain everything to you here and it’s not rocket science.
How to sow lemon seeds effectively step by step:
1) Cut the lemon in half and collect the seeds with a knife blade gently so as not to damage them.
2) They must then be cleaned under water using a sieve to remove any remaining pulp. Note that while some seeds are too small and crookedthey will certainly not be usable for planting. Choose those that are a good size and look as smooth as possible.
3) Using your nail, open the seed slightly to facilitate water absorption and help it germinate.

4) With the knife, pierce the bottom of a plastic cup and fill with a mixture of substrate and 40% humus. Firm the soil a little.
5) On the surface, place 5 to 6 seeds horizontally and cover with a little soil. Water and cover with a paper towel folded several times on itself before watering again (it will retain moisture and warmth in the soil). Remove the paper towel when the first shoots appear.

6) When your young lemon tree shoots have germinated and reached a few centimeters, you can plant them in a larger pot.
And there you have it! The planting is a success and you are the king of lemon seedlings. The secret is therefore to germinate the seeds well before planting them ;).
Good to know:
The great advantage of this technique is that it can be used also for orange, grapefruit or tangerine seeds to grow citrus fruits.
In any case, note that while it is possible to grow a small tree indoors, it can sometimes be difficult to obtain fruit. Indeed, plants grown from these seeds may not always produce fruits identical to those of the original fruit. due to cross-pollination or genetic variability. However, it remains a fun and nice project to get new plants for free!
In video (Spanish):
Besides lemon seeds, what other seeds or pits can you grow?
It is possible to grow several types of plants at home from seeds, pips or fruit stones commonly found in our kitchens. It is possible to grow them at home indoors or outdoors depending on the needs of the plant. Remember that the growth of trees and shrubs will take time and the fruits produced can not be identical to the original fruit.
Here are examples of stones and seeds to plant in addition to those of lemon:
Avocado: the avocado pit can grow an avocado tree. Simply clean it, suspend it over a glass of water using toothpicks and wait for it to germinate before planting it in the ground.
Apple or pear tree: Apple or pear seeds can be planted to produce a fruit tree, although this takes time and the tree may not produce fruit identical to the original fruit.
Mango tree: you must remove the outer shell of the kernel to access the seed inside, then plant it in moist soil.
Fruit trees: peach, apricot, plum or cherry pits can grow the corresponding trees.
Tomatier : Tomato seeds, often found in the fruit, can be easily collected and planted to grow a tomato plant.
Peppers, squash (pumpkin, etc.), zucchini and chili peppers: the seeds must be collected, dried, then planted to obtain new plants.
Melon and watermelon: we can collect these seeds and plant them to grow new melon or watermelon plants. They require a warm climate and lots of space.
Cucumber : cucumber seeds grow quite easily and quickly.
Grenadier : pomegranate seeds can grow a pomegranate tree. The process is slow, but it is possible to get a nice little tree.