By giving you her pretty silver cutlery and crockery, your grandmother gave you a very nice gift. Unfortunately, these objects are not in great condition… it can be seen that they are old and the silver has darkened by oxidizing in contact with air and light. Once these stains have set in, it can be complicated to remove them effectively. We told you a few months ago about a chemical reaction that you could obtain without risk at home and which works wonders, but the trick that we present to you in this article is even simpler and within reach. of all!
What you need:
- Toothpaste
- Old toothbrush
The steps:
1) Coat the bristles of the old toothbrush with toothpaste.
2) Rub the tarnished silver pieces with your brush, not forgetting any corners.

3) Rinse everything thoroughly. And there you have it! You can now enjoy your beautiful, clean and shiny silverware as if it were new.

Why does this work?
Sodium lauryl sulfate, one of the components of your toothpaste allowing it to produce the famous foaming effect, helps to powerfully remove stains caused by tarnishing and oxidation.
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