In a bedroom or bathroom where human activity generates a lot of water vapor, the lack of ventilation and heating encourages the humidity level to rise. The musty smell can very quickly appear in these rooms and it is not the most pleasant olfactory thing, especially when you have guests. This will therefore have to be remedied.
First of all, be aware that persistent humidity will encourage the development of fungus on the walls. To get rid of a smell of humidity in these conditions, you will first have to plan a major clean: air out the rooms, meticulously vacuum all surfaces, wash the walls and remove all carpets if possible (because that we are not in England or in the 80s). Once the cleaning is done, try this simple tip to put all the chances on your side.
What you need:
The steps:
1 – Take 2 or 3 empty cups
2 – Fill the cups with bicarbonate
3 – Place the cups in the humid room
4 – If the smell of humidity has not completely gone after two weeks, throw away the baking soda and refill the cups

And there you have it! In the kitchen, don’t forget to cover your pans and pots when you prepare your dishes to avoid humidity which could leave olfactory traces in the room (and elsewhere in the house. Don’t forget to operate the host oven extractor while you are cooking, in the bedroom and living room, leave a space between the wall and the furniture. The air is like blood and money, it must circulate. [ça, c’est cadeau] !
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