Dirty windows are linked to pollution, fingerprints and tobacco. Quickly, the windows become less transparent and dotted with various traces. How to clean your bay windows quickly? You can definitely buy cleaning products from large stores. However, to save money and avoid toxic chemicals, it is possible to do it yourself. Unfortunately, not all natural preparations and ingredients are equal (Meudon white wine, lemon juice, glycerin, black soap, etc.). So, here is a very effective recipe for a homemade window cleaner that leaves no streaks. In addition, it can also be used on mirrors, glass objects in general, stainless steel or even plastic. Use your squeegees and microfiber cloths to clean your windows which will make them shiny and impeccable effortlessly!
What you need:
- 50 ml of white or cider vinegar
- 50 ml of 90° alcohol
- 1 tablespoon of cornstarch (the secret against traces)
- 400 ml of lukewarm water
- A household spray for cleaning windows
- Optional: 8 to 10 drops of essential oil of your choice
For the essential oil, you can opt for lemongrass, lavender or lemon eucalyptus or the mosquito repellent effect. This allows for an impeccable result that will shine for longer!
The anti-smudge window cleaner product step by step:
The preparation is simple: start by pouring all your ingredients into the spray bottle. Then, close the bottle and shake everything vigorously. Your detergent to make any glass surface sparkle clean is already ready to use!

How to use it?
1) First of all, take care to dust off your windows and their frames. This way, you will avoid depositing grains of dust on the windows during cleaning and getting them on your rags!
2) Once it’s done, you can spray your product on the window.
3) Then wipe with a chamois leather, a lint-free microfiber cloth and/or a squeegee. Better yet, you can roll up a sheet of newspaper. This crumpled, lint-free sheet can be used to scrub and dry glass surfaces. This grandmother’s tip is very effective for cleaning windows covered with stubborn dirt. Dirt and residue from various fly poops cannot resist it! Also remember to be methodical and clean thoroughly from top to bottom. This will greatly limit the appearance of traces. The fact of go down gradually to prevent drops from running onto areas already cleaned. So you don’t waste time having to iron.
Impeccable cleanliness guaranteed for all cleaned surfaces! Now you know how to clean windows without streaks or dirt. No need to look at an expensive Karcher type steam cleaner or window cleaning robot to avoid this chore.

Tips in addition to cleaner for streak-free windows
-First, use high quality microfiber cloths. They will absorb moisture well and effectively eliminate traces without leaving little lint. And there’s no need to break the bank for a brand! After cleaning the window with the solution, you can also use a clean, dry microfiber cloth to polish and polish the surface and remove any residual marks. However, be sure to wash them regularly (and without softener!) to avoid the accumulation of residue and keep them very soft.
-Moreover, avoid cleaning your windows in very sunny weather. Indeed, even if it is always more pleasant to do it when the weather is nice and warm, it is not ideal. Both sunlight and heat can cause the cleaning solution to dry too quickly. This will then leave horrible marks. Plus, this quick drying will make you use more. Long live waste… A cloudy, but not rainy day will be more favorable for very efficient window cleaning and an impeccable clean result.
-To avoid traces of limescale, always use demineralized water or filtered water in your cleaning solution. Ban tap water which will definitely leave white marks.
-Finally, take care to start with the washing interior windows before going outside. This will make it easier to find which side the stubborn stains are on. Just be careful of splashes when cleaning the exterior!