There are ingredients that we always imagine go together, these culinary combinations that we make all the time, because we know that they work wonderfully well. However, if the tastes combine well, the nutritional intake can be reduced without us realizing it and this can have effects on the digestive system leading to gas, indigestion or worse. more illnesses! Here are 8 combinations that you will have to think twice about before doing again!
In addition, discover these mistakes that we all make when cooking red meat as well as the mistakes to ban in the kitchen. Enough to always become better behind the stove!
THE culinary associations to ban
1) Tomatoes and cucumbers

Need an entry? Want a fresh salad? Cutting a few tomatoes and cucumber slices seems like the easy choice! Tomatoes are also rich in vitamin C (more than oranges) and it makes you want to eat. If this association is found in this list, it is because cucumbers contain an enzyme that interferes with the absorption of vitamin C and therefore hinders the digestive tract. So you lose some benefits in the process. In addition, some people have difficulty digesting raw vegetables…
2) Tea and milk

This gesture, which is reminiscent of the British, is a great classic among many lovers of good green tea. According to the BBC, this mixture is not ideal in the sense that the casein contained in milk blocks the beneficial effects of tea when digested together. The one that was beneficial for your blood pressure or your cardiovascular health in general is no longer as beneficial. So keep milk away from your cup of green or black tea!
3) Melon… and everything else!

In summer, melon is in all salads and cold soups. And if the flavors are delicious, the melon is digested faster than other foodswhich can be difficult for the stomach to digest. For example, if it is accompanied by a dairy product, the melon will already be digested, but the milk will be starting to curdle. As for ham, it also risks weighing heavy on fragile stomachs.
4) Eggs and meat

Running out of meal ideas? The ham omelette is a backup plan ready in seconds. Nevertheless, this is a too high a dose of proteinsurely as much, or even more than the recommended daily dose. So, instead of ham, add some vegetables!
5) Yogurts and fruits

Combining dairy products with other foods is always a bit annoying as the latter are not not digested at the same speed as the rest and can also cause digestive problems in certain people. The fruits being acidic, this can be all the more annoying to the extent that this acidity goes even more interfere with difficult digestion of dairy products. The only exception? The berries! Indeed, yogurt is rich in probiotics, which are beneficial for intestinal health. Berries, rich in antioxidants and fiber, complement this combination by promoting digestive health and reducing inflammation.
6) Bananas and milk

Banana smoothie, a good idea? Not really according to many experts who see it the least compatible foods there are. The ways in which they are digested are in fact perfectly opposite! This cocktail harms intestinal flora, blocks body channels and can stimulate mucus production or trigger allergic reactions.
7) Bread and cheese

Taste-wise, it’s one of the best duos there is… and yet! Proteins and starches are digested very differently by the body. The body then finds itself choosing which one to take care of and starches are often left out in the process. Not digested in time, these will ferment. This can then leave the most fragile with food poisoning in the worst cases or a bloated stomach and flatulence in the lucky ones.
8) Lasagna

This dish is a clever mix of the best ingredients, but especially dairy products, proteins, starches and acids. Digesting all this requires a lot of energy from your body!
THE recommended culinary combinations
Certain culinary ingredient combinations are not only tasty, but also maximize the health benefits of your recipes by taking advantage of the synergistic interactions between different nutrients and bioactive compounds.
Turmeric and black pepper: Turmeric contains curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. However, thanks to piperine, black pepper improves the absorption of curcumin in the body, and thus potentiates its benefits.
Tomatoes and avocado: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect cells from damage. Avocado, rich in healthy fats, improves the body’s absorption of lycopene.
Spinach and citrus fruits: Spinach is an excellent source of nonheme iron, while citrus fruits (like oranges) contain vitamin C, which improves iron absorption in the body.
Garlic and honey: Garlic has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, while honey has antibacterial and soothing properties. Together, they can strengthen the immune system and help fight infections. They can also help you lose weight!
Dark chocolate and nuts: Dark chocolate at least 75% is rich in flavonoids, which have antioxidant properties. Nuts, rich in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, provide healthy fats and additional nutrients that round out this beneficial combination.
Onions and tomatoes: Onions contain sulfur compounds and antioxidants, while tomatoes, rich in lycopene, provide cellular protection. Together, they can help reduce inflammation and support cardiovascular health.
On the other hand, don’t put too much hope in the lemon-coffee mixture to lose weight… it’s a pipe dream!