
This man finds a clever way to cut his dog’s nails

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Cutting your dog’s nails is not without stress and tension. Indeed, it must be said that our dogs are not very fond of this activity. As for us, we know that it is for his own good: claws that are too long would hurt him or hinder him when walking. (And what’s more, it can save us from scratches when he parties or climbs on our legs.) But we can’t help but be afraid of hurting him. As a result, he fidgets and gets angry while we see ourselves already giving the nail clippers a bad swipe… Unfortunately, we can’t always go to a professional to do it. However, we can improve with practice and by getting the animal used to being handled on the paws to desensitize it.

In addition, discover natural tips for caring for your dog’s paws.

An amazing technique for cutting your dog’s nails

If nothing helps (habit, desensitization, practice, etc.), you might love the following! On Twitter, the young Kendal Peifer made Internet users happy by sharing a photo of her father at work. Indeed, their family had difficulty managing their dog when it came time to cut his nails. It must be said that the latter hates it! Rather than being discouraged, his father has an ingenious idea. In fact, he bought a cheap bag in which he cut fairly large holes to comfortably accommodate the dog’s paws and head. Then he hung the whole thing in a door frame. Be careful, it is important to attach it securely.

So the dog couldn’t escape. And seeing his adorable muzzle, he seems to be enjoying this relaxing dog spa session. Obviously, this may not be suitable for larger people. However, it could make happy owners of small or medium dogs happy. To test!

Cutting your dog’s nails: an update on what to do and what not to do

A technique for cutting your dog's nails
Credits: Pixabay/YamaBSM

To begin with, we definitely forget the kitchen scissors or the nail clippers (which already has a hard time cutting your big toe nail, so imagine on a thick and strong dog’s claw!). Brief, we do without any instrument that is not made for its paws. On the market, you will easily find effective nail clippers or an electric file (often quieter and less frightening) for those who are too afraid of harming their pet. In fact, doing it with a file is slower, but less likely to make mistakesespecially if your pets move around a lot.

Next, try not to cut too much to do not reach the living part of the claw. Otherwise, you will hurt your pet! So, to properly cut your dog’s nails, avoid touching the pink part on white claws. For black claws, bring a flashlight to shine from below and highlight the root. Finally, if you’re afraid of making mistakes, don’t cut suddenly. Do it little by little and observe your dog. If he squeals in pain or quickly withdraws his paw, stop everything: you have touched the sensitive part.

A few more little tips…

Trimming a reluctant dog’s nails can be a challenge, but with patience and a few tips, it gets easier. For example, as explained earlier, get him used to paw contact. Touch them regularly (without cutting), then praise and reward them with treats for strengthen positive associations.

If your dog is very anxious, try cut one claw at a time or do it in several sessions. Also offer him an interactive toy or a bone during the session to distract his attention. Above all, never force your dog and stop if you feel he is too stressed and start again later. A professional can also help you if you really can’t do it. With time and a gentle approach, nail trimming will become easier for both of you.

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