There’s a lot you can do with a single sock to make your everyday life easier. These are tips that are as original as they are practical. However, it would be more pleasant and economical not to lose any in the first place (not to mention the little nervous breakdown when you can’t find the second sock in the morning and realize that you won’t see it again without never doubt)! And then the Bermuda triangle/black hole in your machine has no intention of stopping gobbling up your socks. Fortunately, these three techniques can solve the problem so you never regret having orphaned socks again.
1) A sock gripper for the machine

By pinching the socks together, you avoid the risk of them being swallowed and this then facilitates sorting and storage since they are already associated. Pinch them in the evening as soon as you take them out and put them in the basket and you won’t have to worry about washing them! Just preferably make sure that the clamps are made of plastic or wood to avoid any metal corrosion in the machine.
You can also tie them in pairs using a small cord or elastic. In any case, this keeps them together throughout the wash cycle.
2) In a row
Another method to stop losing them is simply to slip one of the two socks into its twin. They thus come out united and obviously clean. It’s simple, but effective!
3) Our favorite technique: a net for delicate laundry
Very often, socks get swallowed because of their small size. This is particularly the case with baby or children’s socks and even small invisible socks that reach ankle level, which are widely used in summer. To prevent this from happening, the simplest solution is tobuy a net for delicate laundry and slip your socks in there every evening when you take them off. This helps avoid the risk of loss in the bedroom by leaving them lying around or on the way to the washing machine.
If you opt for the net method…
You can also consider having one net per family member for ease: everyone puts them in their own net after wearing them and can take their net to store them in their closet or dresser when they are clean. So, no more fighting over who owns this or that pair! There are also nets specially designed for socks. These nets have several compartments where you can slide each pair of socks individually, which keeps them together and makes them easier to sort after washing. It’s up to you to choose the most practical method for you!
Another tip before starting a load of laundry…
Above all, before putting a load of laundry in the wash, make sure there are no socks stuck in the creases of the drum or in the pockets of the clothes. This can in fact often be the cause of socks mysteriously disappearing.
Your underwear will no longer have to fear washing machines.
How to find socks lost in the washing machine? Is this even possible?

Finding lost socks after they disappear in the wash can be a challenge, but it’s not impossible. Here are some strategies for finding those precious missing pieces! First of all, check common areas where socks might hide after washing : under the drum of the washing machine, around the door seal or in the pockets of other clothes. Also check that they have not been forgotten under the bed or in the dirty laundry basket.
Ensuite, inspect the washing machine filteroften located on the front or bottom of the device. Missing socks can sometimes get stuck there. Also see the edges of the machine and the water pipes where socks get trapped. If you can’t find the socks in the machine itself, check around where you do laundry. Sometimes they can fall behind or between furniture. Finally, if despite all this research you cannot find the socks, keep hope: they may reappear during a next wash or by doing a thorough cleaning. In the meantime, keep your singles socks aside, in a place where you will have no trouble finding them.