Rugs are often very appreciated for their decorative contribution to a room. They complement a decoration or bring a touch of originality and warmth. Even if they are very beautiful, we can nevertheless criticize them for being real nests of dust and their fibers are second to none in catching unpleasant odors (like those of animals or musty odors). To refresh them and refresh the entire room at the same time, we suggest you prepare these powders to sprinkle on the carpet before vacuuming. They deodorize and help to do a little quick and effective cleaning!
1) Rosemary and lavender powder
What you need:
- 260 g baking soda
- 7 g of dried rosemary cut into small pieces or mixed finely
- Lavender essential oil
The steps:
Pour the bicarbonate and rosemary into a plastic bag. Add a few drops of essential oil and close the sachet. Shake it well and voila! Your powder is ready. Sprinkle and leave for 10 to 15 minutes before vacuuming.
You can adjust the intensity of the scent by adding more or less herb and using the right amount of essential oil.
2) Bay leaf and clove powder

What you need:
- One kilo of bicarbonate
- 70 g corn flour
- 70 g cornstarch
- 6 bay leaves
- 2 g whole cloves
The steps:
Pour all the ingredients into the blender and mix. Collect the powder in a convenient dusting container and sprinkle it on the carpet to be treated. You can then vacuum it and enjoy the nice smell that comes out.
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