We love coffee! It allows you to wake up in the morning and “have your eyes facing the holes”! It warms you up and allows you to have moments of sharing and discussion with your loved ones or colleagues. You’ll love it even more when you see everything you can do with coffee grounds, because its beauty and practical uses are indeed numerous!
In addition, for outstanding gardeners or those who are new to gardening, discover its uses in the garden, particularly as a natural fertilizer, your plants will love the nutrients it provides! There are also other daily uses for coffee grounds (not mentioned here) that we loved sharing with you a few years ago!
1) Fight cellulite with coffee grounds
Caffeine is an important ingredient in many anti-cellulite products. So you can use it like that. Mix hot coffee grounds with a tablespoon of olive oil. Apply generously to problem areas. Wrap yourself with plastic wrap for 10 minutes. Then rinse.

2) Exfoliate your epidermis
Caffeine will stimulate cell renewal for beautiful, healthier skin. Add coconut, vitamin E or jojoba oil and massage in the shower.

3) Light in the hair

For brunettes, redheads with darker hair or dark brown hair, you can put coffee grounds in hot water for 15 minutes and rinse the hair with it to add shine. You can also add a tablespoon or two of coffee grounds to your conditioner.
4) Coffee grounds against acne

Coffee is astringent and antioxidant. Mix the coffee grounds with enough milk to make a paste. Exfoliate your face with it while applying it all over your face then leave it on for 20 minutes.
5) A powerful natural product against dark circles

To wake up your eyes and benefit from the tightening effect of coffee, mix coffee grounds and olive oil then apply under your egg. You can also mix coffee grounds with honey and egg white. Leave on for a few minutes to gain a healthy glow.
DIY, Decoration
6) To age paper

You can start by crumpling it if it is suitable for the effect you want to produce, then immerse your papers for 1 minute or 2 in water darkened with coffee grounds. Remove the excess carefully and let dry.
7) Other creative uses
For example, it is possible to color Easter eggs or fabric with coffee grounds. Submerge the grains in boiling water to create your tincture. For Halloween or a fancy dress party, you can also make an easy-to-remove mustache by applying hot honey (not hot!) to the top of the lips and adding coffee grounds on top of the honey so that it sticks.
8) Make a cushion for your needles
Stick your needles into the dry coffee grounds surrounded by a cloth. This padding will prevent your needles from rusting.
9) Coffee grounds: both a natural fertilizer and a repellent to keep away ants and harmful insects

Sprinkle coffee grounds where ants pass and on their anthills to repel them. It also works against slugs and snails that covet your salad a little too closely and at the foot of vegetable plants against a whole bunch of harmful parasites! It’s a shame to deprive yourself of it when you know that in addition to protecting plants, it promotes the growth of plants and their flowering by fertilizing the garden.
10) Revive your dark clothes
Like pepper for black clothes, coffee grounds can be useful! Add freshly brewed coffee and the beans used to make it to a black or brown clothes machine. Coffee will revive them, all without using chemicals!